Title | Description | TC |
IEC 61116:1992 | Electromechanical equipment guide for small hydroelectric installations | TC 82 (IEC TC 4) |
IEC 62006:2010 | Hydraulic machines - Acceptance tests of small hydroelectric installations | TC 82 (IEC TC 4) |
IEC 62485-1:2015 | Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 1: General safety information | TC 82 (IEC TC 21) |
IEC 62485-2:2010 | Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 2: Stationary batteries | TC 82 (IEC TC 21) |
IEC 61439-1:2011 | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies- - Part 1 :General rules | TC 64 |
IEC 62052-11:2003 | Electricity metering equipment (AC) - General requirements tests and test conditions - Part 11: Metering equipment | TC 13 |
IEC TS 62257-1:2015 | Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification Part 1: General introduction to rural electrification | TC 82 |
IEC TS 62257-5:2015 | Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification Part 5: Protection against electrical hazards | TC 82 |
IEC TS 62257-6:2015 | Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification Part 6: Acceptance operation maintenance and replacement | TC 82 |
IEC TS 62257-12-1:2015 | Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification - Part 12-1: Selection of lamps and lighting appliances for off-grid electricity systems | TC 82 |
IEC TS 62257-7-1:2010 | Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification - Part 7-1: Generators - Photovoltaic generators | TC 82 |
IEC TS 62257-8-1:2018 | Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification - Part 8-1: Selection of batteries and battery management systems for stand-alone electrification systems - Specific case of automotive flooded lead-acid batteries available in developing countries | TC 82 |
IEC TS 62257-9-1:2016 | Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification - Part 9-1: Integrated systems - Micropower systems | TC 82 |
IEC TS 62257-9-2:2016 | Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification - Part 9-2: Integrated systems - Microgrids | TC 82 |
IEC TS 62257-9-3:2016 | Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification - Part 9-3: Integrated systems - User interface | TC 82 |
IEC TS 62257-9-4:2016 | Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification - Part 9-4: Integrated systems - User installation | TC 82 |
IEC TS 62257-9-5:2018 | Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification - Part 9-5: Integrated systems - Laboratory evaluation of stand-alone renewable energy products for rural electrification | TC 82 |
IEC 61968-1:2020 | Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 1: Interface architecture and general recommendations | TC 57 |
IEC 61968-3:2021 | Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 3: Interface for network operations | TC 57 |
IEC 61968-4:2019 | Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 4: Interfaces for records and asset management | TC 57 |
IEC 61968-6:2015 | Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 6: Interfaces for maintenance and construction | TC 57 |
IEC 61968-8:2015 | Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 8: Interfaces for customer operations | TC 57 |
IEC 61968-9:2013 | Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 9: Interfaces for meter reading and control | TC 57 |
IEC 61968-11:2013 | Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 11: Common information model (CIM) extensions for distribution | TC 57 |
IEC 61968-13:2021 | Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 13: CIM RDF Model exchange format for distribution | TC 57 |
IEC 61968-14:2015 | Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 14: Multi Speak - CIM harmonization | TC 57 |
IEC 61968-100:2022 | Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 100: Implementation profiles | TC 57 |
IEC 61968-900:2015 | Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 900: Guidance for implementation of IEC 61968-9 | TC 57 |
IEC 60364-5-53: 2019 | Low-voltage electrical installations - Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Isolation, switching and control | TC 64 |
IEC 60364-5-56: 2018 | Low-voltage electrical installations – Part 5-56: Selection and erection of electrical equipment – Safety service | TC 64 |
IEC 60364-7-71: 2017 | Low voltage electrical installations - Part 7-712: Requirements for special installations or locations - Solar photovoltaic (PV) power supply systems. | TC 64 |
IEC 60364-7-708:2017 | Low-voltage electrical installations - Requirements for special installations or locations - Caravan parks, camping parks and similar locations | TC 64 |
IEC 60364-7-722:2018 | Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-722: Requirements for special installations or locations - Supplies for electric vehicles | TC 64 |
IEC 60364-8-1: 2019 | Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 8-1: Functional aspects - Energy efficiency | TC 64 |
IEC 60364-8-2:2018 | Low-voltage electrical installations – Part 8-2: Prosumer’s low-voltage electrical installations | TC 64 |
IEC 61140:2001 | Protection against electric shock — Common aspects for installation and equip. | TC 82 |
SANS 507-1 | Electricity distribution — Guidelines for the provision of electrical distribution networks in residential areas | TC 82 |
IEEE 1020-2011 | Guide for Control of Small (100 kVA to 5 MVA) Hydroelectric Power Plants | TC 82 |
IEC TS 61200-101:2018 | Application guide on low voltage direct current electrical installation not intended to be connected to public distribution network | TC 82 |
IEC 60038:2009 | Standard Voltages | TC 8 |
IEC 61439-1:2020 | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies | TC 64 |
IEC 62446-1:2016 | Photovoltaic (PV) systems - Requirements for testing, documentation and maintenance - Part 1: Grid connected systems - Documentation, commissioning tests and inspection | TC 82 |
IEC TS 61724-3: 2016/COR1:2018 | Corrigendum 1 - Photovoltaic system performance - Part 3: Energy evaluation method | TC 82 |
IEC 61400-1:2019 | Wind Turbines: Design & Small Wind Turbines | TC 82 |
IEC 61439-2:2020 | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies | TC 64 |
IEC 60364-5-53:2001 | Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-53:Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Isolation switching and control | TC 64 |