A Revised strategic plan to cover the period 2019-2024 has been approved by AFSEC Council in July 2019

Strategic Goal 1:


  • Establish full-time secretariat
  • Identify technical expertise in member countries
  • Increase the statutory membership
  • Deliver outputs relevant to the AU objectives
  • Establish value-added deliverables that
  • could be a source of income

Strategic Goal 2:

Innovation and Competitiveness

  • Anticipate market trends (renewable energy)
  • Providing standardization platform connecting all key stakeholders
  • Foster involvement of Academia and Research in standardization
  • Providing a system that can attract and increase-industry participation and supporting the growing need for cooperation between sectors

Strategic Goal 3:


  • Use a single system of globally accepted electro-technical standards
  • Enhance the recognition as the preeminent authority in electrotechnical standardization
  • Foster the involvement of all African stakeholders through their NEC
  • Promote the African standardization Harmonisation Model (ASHAM)

Strategic Goal 4:

Africa Society Consumer’s Confidence

  • Improve market recognition of Africa Standardization cooperation with ARSO and PAQI
  • Enhance the partnership with the AUC under AFCFTA and to cooperate with related parties in the development and effective implementation of obligations under TBT through joint work and formed sub-committees.
  • To develop and maintain the recognition of AFSEC as an influential contributor in the development of African Regulatory Initiatives.